lymphoid tissue inducer-like cells |
lymphoid tissue organizer cells |
casein-beta(192-198) |
abbr. LTin cells. Lymphoid tissue initiator cells are a distinct population of CD3(-) CD4(-) Kit(+) IL7RA(-) CD11c(+) (Hashi et al, 2001; Veiga-Fernandes et al, 2007; Patel et al, 2012) that cooperate with lymphoid tissue inducer cells and mesenchymal cells (see: lymphoid tissue organizer cells) to trigger lymphoid organ development.
Patel et al (2012) have reported that the receptor tyrosine kinase RET (GDNF receptor) is required for the initiation of lymphoid organ (Peyer's patch) formation. The initial aggregation of hematopoietic cells
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