F442A |
F84.1 antigen |
icebox |
[F4/80(+), F4/80(-), F4/80(high), F4/80(low), F4/80(bright), F4/80(dim), F4/80(dull)]
This extracellular antigen, which is a highly glycosylated proteoglycan (Haidl and Jefferies, 1996), is recognized by monoclonal antibodies (BM8; Schaller et al, 2002) on mature murine macrophages from various anatomical sites, including Langerhans cells in the skin, Kupffer cells in the liver, brain microglial cells (Austyn and Gordon, 1981; Perry et al, 1985, Hume and Gordon, 1983; Hume et al, 1984; Hume et al, 1983; McKnight et al, 1996). The antigen is not expressed by lymphocytes or polymorphonuclear cells. The murine counterpart has been referred to as Ly71 [lymphocyte antigen 71
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