Macrophage-released neutrophil chemotactic factor |
macrophage scavenger receptor |
N-WASP-binding protein |
[macrophage, macrophage-derived, macrophage-like]
abbr. in texts frequently: Mphi.
Macrophages, called also macrophagocytes in older references, are cells derived from bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (bone marrow-derived macrophages, abbr. BMM; monocyte-derived macrophages, abbr. MDM) (Gordon and Taylor, 2005; Geissmann et al, 2010) that circulate in the blood or have homed in to tissues in the steady state or in response to inflammation. The myeloid progenitor cell in the bone marrow that gives rise to circulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells also is the precursor of many different cell types such as
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