microfold cells |
microglial response factor-1 |
HPAEC survival factor |
[microglia, microglial cell, microglia-derived, microglial cell-derived]
These cells are being referred to also sometimes as microgliocyte and Hortega cells (for a historical review see Barron, 1995). Old histological terms referring to microglial cells are clearance cells (Abräumzellen in German), mesoglial cells, and Robertson-Hortega cells.
Microglial cells comprise up to 20 % of the total non-neuronal cell population in the central nervous system (Lawson et al, 1990), although significant regional differences (0.5- 16.6 % of all cells in the brain parenchyma) have been observed (Mittelbronn et al, 2001). Microglial cells are derived from CD45(+) bone
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