osteoblastogenesis inhibitory factor |
Osteoblast-specific factor-1 |
classical NKT-cells |
[osteoblast, osteoblastic cells]
Osteoblasts are cell that produce and maintain bone tissues and are being referred to also as osteogenic cells (see also: osteoblast-like cells).
Osteoblasts are derived from a common multipotent bone marrow progenitor that gives rise to both osteoblasts and hematopoietic cells (Dominici et al, 2004). Osteoblasts differentiate from mesenchymal stem cells, also known as bone marrow stromal fibroblasts. Upon termination of bone matrix synthesis, osteoblasts either undergo cell death by apoptosis or differentiate into osteocytes or bone lining cells, which are inactive osteoblasts. These
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