RPI.4610 |
(approved gene symbol) [Secreted Ly6/uPAR-related protein 2; secreted Ly6/PLAUR domain-containing protein 2] SLURP2 is identical with a protein that shares characteristics with toxins that bind and inhibit nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (termed LYNX1 by Miwa et al, 1999). The cDNA, termed GC26 by Miwa et al (1999), encodes a 116 amino acid protein with a signal sequence at its N-terminus, a cysteine-rich consensus motif characteristic of Ly6 family proteins and snake alpha-neurotoxins, and an asparagine/GPI anchor motif at its C-terminus. The protein is expressed in neurons in multiple brain structures.
Tsuji et al (2003) have
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