epithelial cell rests of Malassez |
epithelial cell-specific growth inhibitor |
HP-3 |
[epithelial cell, epithelial cell-derived, epithelium, epithelia]
Epithelial cells are cells that line the inner and outer surfaces of the body in continuous sheets (epithelial membranes, usually referred to as epithelia). Epithelial tissues can develop from ectoderm, mesoderm, or endoderm.
Epithelial cells are joined together by cell junctions (tight junctions found only in epithelia, but also adhering junctions and gap junctions, which are found also in other tissues). The epithelial cell layer is attached to the underlying connective tissue by a basement membrane, which is secreted in part by the epithelial cells and the underlying connective tissue cells.
Epithelia do not contain blood vessels and are supplied with nutrients and oxygen by blood vessels
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