Wr(a) |
Wr(b) |
ADAM metallopeptidase domain 35 |
this term refers to a cell type in the Drosophila visual system that ensheathes photoreceptor axons and is essential for coordinating retinal and lamina development. Wrapping glia are a subtype of glial cells specific for the peripheral nervous system and originate from dedicated glial cell precursors in the optic stalk. These precursors proliferate and migrate into the developing retina, where they begin to ensheath nascent photoreceptor axons in response to Thisbe, a ligand resembling FGF8, which photoreceptors secrete (Franzdóttir et al, 2009). In response to EGF produced by photoreceptor cells, wrapping glia produce Drosophila insulin-like peptides, for example DILP6, which induce lamina neuronal
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