NleF |
nleH1 |
[non-LEE-encoded effector H] NleH is found in enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli and in Citrobacter rodentium (García-Angulo, 2008). NleH is one of several gene encoding virulence factors. The term refers to the fact that these genes and a large group of other pathogenicity-related genes are not encoded by a pathogenicity island in chromosome known as the LEE [locus of enterocyte effacement] (for overview see also: Dean and Kenny, 2009).
Enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains contain two genes, termed nleH1 [non-LEE-encoded effector H1] and nleH2 [non-LEE-encoded effector H2
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