MLPs |
MLS102 |
hedgehog interacting protein 2 |
MLR3 is the name of a monoclonal antibody that recognizes a cell activation antigen present on activated T-lymphocytes and thymocytes but not on resting T-lymphocytes. The appearance of the MLR3 antigen is an early event and precedes that of the IL2 receptor both in T-cells and thymocytes (Cosulich et al, 1987). MLR3 shares structural properties and a cellular distribution with two other cell activation antigens known as EA1 [early antigen 1] and Leu-23 (Lanier et al, 1988) and is a reference monoclonal antibody for the CD antigen CD69 (Cosulich et al, 1989).
For additional information on CD antigens see also:
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