filamentous actin |
PC13 embryonal carcinoma-derived growth factor |
[Family of IL1-zeta] abbr. also: FIL1Z. The gene encoding this protein has been cloned by means of its significant sequence similarity to IL1-alpha, IL1-beta, IL1ra, and IL18 (see also: IL1 family) (Smith et al, 2000). The gene also maintains a conserved exon-intron arrangement that is shared with other members of the family. The same gene has been described by other authors as IL1H4 and IL1RP1 and is known also as IL1-zeta.
FIL1-zeta has been shown to be expressed in various hematopoietic cell lines. Expression has been detected in immune system tissues, placenta, lung, and testis. The protein does not seem to bind to known IL1
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