xanthelasmatic giant cells |
xanthophore |
Photomedin-2 |
[xanthoma cell]
These cells correspond to foam cells, which are lipid-laden macrophages (see: Takahashi and Naito, 1983, Bundino et al, 1988, Imaeda, 1960, for ultrastructure). These cells are being referred to also as foamy histiocytes, foamy macrophages, or lipophages. Immunohistochemistry shows that these cells express several macrophage markers, including CD68 (Orchard et al, 1994). Takahashi and Naito (1983) and Hakozaki et al (1976) have reported that xanthoma cells in some xanthomatous diseases, such as Hand-Schuller-Christian disease, resemble fibroblasts or fibrocytes rather than macrophages.
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