tanning hormone |
HP/HS interacting protein |
Tanycytes, which are being referred to also as Ependymal radial glial cells (see also: radial glial cells) constitute the specialized ependymoglial cellular sheet that lines the floor and the basolateral walls of the third ventricle (Flament-Durand and Brion, 1985). Thus, they are specialized median eminence glial cells (astrocytes) (for overview see: Kettenmann H and Verkhratsky, 2011). Tanycytes can be seen as specialized ependymal cells (ependymocytes) present in sensory and secretory circumventricular organs of the brain (Joly et al, 2007; Langlet et al, 2013), including the floor and the ventrolateral walls of the third ventricle (Rodríguez et al, 2005, 2010, 2019).
A dominant feature of tanycytes is their marked polarization
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