Neobellieria bullata periviscerokinin-2 |
neoblast stem cells |
Proleukin |
[neoblast stem cells] This cell type is found in freshwater flatworms (planarians) (Shibata et al, 2010; Aboobaker, 2011). The term blastema pertains to the regenerative outgrowth at wounds. Blastema cells are produced locally and constitute a population of non-dividing neoblast progeny. These cells in amphibians were long considered to be a multipotent progenitor cell type with characteristics of stem cells, but show lineage restriction in Xenopus laevis and axolotl, as well as in zebrafish (for overview see: Reddien, 2013; Sun and Irvine, 2014). These cells constitute a population of totipotent somatic stem cells
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