melanoma cell adhesion molecule |
melanoma chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan |
B/N-Katholiek rats |
[melanoma cell, melanoma, melanomas]
These cells are the transformed counterparts of melanocytes. Note that many studies of melanoma cells have been performed with various cell lines. Their gene expression patterns may differ from one another and also from normal melanocytes, depending, for example, on the degree of malignancy and/or on whether these cells have a tendency to form metastases (Vogl et al, 2005; Haqq et al, 2005; Brem et al, 2001; Chakraborty and Yamaga, 2003), or whether they are immunogenic or not.
Melanoma cells have been shown to possess the capacity to express the proteins listed below.
Please note the following general observations, many of which practically apply to all cell types:
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