Matrigel plug assay |
Matrilysin |
polo-like kinase-1 |
a term pertaining to peptides obtained by (partial) proteolytic cleavage of constituents of the extracellular matrix that are able to regulate positively or negativelty cell activities and thus have activities similar to cytokines or regulatory peptide factors (Bellon et al, 2004; Maquart et al, 2004, 2005; Tran et al, 2005). The term is used also sometimes indiscriminatively for unprocessed constituent proteins of the extracellular matrix (see, for example, lumican). Matrikines have been shown, among other things, to elicit chemotaxis in numerous cell types, to promote cell cycle progression, to induce the release of proteolytic enzymes, and to cause the production of cytokines and
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