histiomonocytes |
histo-blood group antigens |
lysocardiolipin acyltransferase |
This term appears in some biomedical dictionaries as a synonym for stem cells but is used rarely.
In insect biology the term histoblasts refers to small populations of diploid cells that exist as clusters of undifferentiated cells in the larvae and pupae of some insects. These cells remain undifferentiated until the onset of metamorphosis and then act as stem-like cells or founder cells that replace the larval cells during metamorphosis (see, for example: Nakajima et al, 2011) and proliferate to form tissues such as wings, legs, and other organs of the adult (see also: Curtiss and Heilig (1995, 1997), Simcox et al (1991), Madhavan and Madhavan, 2004; Ninov et al, 2007; Ninov and Martín-Blanco, 2007, and
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