retinophilin |
retinospheres |
Retinoschisin is encoded by the RS1 gene, which has been identified by Sauer et al (1997) who referred to it as XLRS1 gene. The RS1 gene encodes a mature protein of 201 amino acids that contains a highly conserved discoidin domain, which has been implicated in cell-cell adhesion and phospholipid binding. Grayson et al (2000) have shown that retinoschisin is a protein secreted by photoreceptor cells and localizes to the inner portions of the retina. Reid et al (2003) have shown that retinoschizin is localized in photoreceptor cells (rod cells, cone cells) but not in Müller cells and is secreted from the photoreceptor cells. The secreted protein then localizes to the outside of
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