PB1-F2 |
PBAN-1 |
HA-mac macrophages |
[pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide] PBAN, which is being referred to also as Pyrokinin-2 (see also: pyrokinins), is a conserved 33 amino acid amidated neuropeptide that is produced by neuroendocrine cells of the subesophageal ganglion, released into the hemolymph via a neurohemal organ called corpora cardiaca, and induces species-specific sex pheromone biosynthesis in pheromone glands (Raina and Menn, 1993; Tillman et al, 1999; Rafaeli, 2009). This peptide was first identified in the moth, Helicoverpa zea [LSDDMPATPADQEMYRQDPEQIDSRTKYFSPRL] (Raina et al, 1989), and occurs in a number of other moth species (Jurenka and Nusawardani, 2011). Peptides
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