motif |
motilin cells |
zebrafish lycat |
approved gene symbol: MLN. Motilin has been discovered in hog gastroduodenum mucosa by Brown et al (1972). The structure has been determined by Brown et al (1973) and Schubert and Brown (1974). Seino et al (1987) have shown that human and porcine motilin are identical. Motilin is a hormone of 22 amino acids (FVPIFTYGELQRMQEKERNKGQ) structurally related to ghrelin. Leucine-13-motilin (Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) (also: 13-Leu-motilin, KW-5139) is genetically engineered recombinant porcine motilin in which methionine at position 13 has been replaced by leucine. Methionine at this position is oxidized easily and yields a product with reduced bioactivity.
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