MALP-2 |
Val-Pro-Asp-Pro-Arg |
[Macrophage activating lipoprotein 404] This protein is being referred to by its molecular weight as P48 or as Mycoplasma fermentans lipoprotein 48 kDa. MALP-404 is the mature surface lipoprotein of Mycoplasma fermentans, which is encoded by the MALP gene (Hall et al, 1996) expressed specifically in Mycoplasma fermentaqns (Hall et al, 1999). The protein has been purified from the conditioned medium of the Reh human pre-B-cell leukemia cell line.
Matsumoto et al (1998) have described the bacterial protein as M161Ag, a 43 kDa protein that functions as a potent modulator of innate and cellular immune responses by activating complement and by inducing the synthesis of various cytokines (
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