lycat |
LycCC2 |
NK3 receptors |
[large yellow croaker CC-Chemokine] This protein (78 amino acids) is a CC-Chemokine isolated from large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea). The protein is highly chemotactic for peripheral blood leukocytes. The LycCC gene is expressed constitutively but at different levels in many tissues. Upon stimulation with poly(I:C) or inactivated trivalent bacterial vaccine, LycCC gene expression is upregulated in kidney, gills, spleen, liver, intestine, blood, and heart. In vivo administration of LycCC significantly upregulates the expression of low molecular mass polypeptide 10 (LMP10), MHC class I alpha chain and Beta-2-Microglobulin. Thus, LycCC may not only have a pro-inflammatory
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