invasion plasmid antigen D |
invasive trophoblast antigen |
epidermal growth factor receptor 4 |
abbr. ISF (a term with multiple meanings). This protein of 78 kDa was purified from the conditioned medium of a bone metastasizing human prostatic PC-3-ML clone. IL10 (20-40 ng) can inhibit the invasion stimulatory effects of Invasion stimulating factor (30-60 ng) on PC-3 ML cells by preferentially stimulating production of the inhibitor TIMP-1 in these cells (Stearns and Stearns, 1995; Stearns et al, 1995).
The producer PC-3-ML cells express a receptor binding site of approximately 115 kDa. A PC-3 clone that does not produce Invasion stimulating factor and is noninvasive does not express the ISF
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