hereditary persistence of alpha-fetoprotein |
heregulin-1 |
Raniseptin-1 |
abbr. HRG; gene symbol HGL. The HGL gene has been mapped to chromosome 8p22-p11. Various forms of Heregulin (HRG-alpha, HRG-beta-1, HRG-beta-2, HRG-beta-3, HRG-gamma) have been described. They are the products of alternative mRNA splicing of the neuregulin gene and the proteins are referred to also as neuregulins. The complex functions in development of the various heregulin forms appears to be due to independent roles played by distinct isoforms.
Heregulin is identical with NDF (neu differentiation factor).
Heregulin is related to SMDF (Sensory and motor neuron-derived factor
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