EDN1 |
UL147 |
[eosinophil-derived neurotoxin] called also eosinophil protein X (EPX) (Slifman et al, 1986). The new name of this protein is ribonuclease A family 2 (RNASE2 or RNS2).
The protein has been isolated originally by Durack et al (1981). The human gene encodes a protein of 134 amino acids including a secretory signal sequence of 27 amino acids (Rosenberg et al, 1989). The sequence is identical to that reported for human urinary ribonuclease (Beintema et al, 1988) and to the N-terminal sequence of human liver ribonuclease (Sorrentino et al, 1992). EDN belongs to the ribonuclease
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