Ct-AMP1 |
CTAP-3 des 1-15 |
cbCUB domain |
[Connective tissue activating protein-3] CTAP-3 is known also as LA-PF4 (low affinity platelet factor-4; see: Beta-Thromboglobulin). The approved gene symbol is CXCL7 and the factor is known also as SCYB7.
The factor is identical with PF4 (platelet factor-4). It is generated by proteolytic removal of the first nine aminoterminal amino acids of a biologically inactive 15 kDa precursor protein called PBP (platelet basic protein) and is called, therefore, also pro-platelet basic protein (abbr. PPBP or Pro-PBP). Removal of further four aminoterminal amino acids from CTAP-3 yields
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