Branchiostoma japonicum ribosomal protein S23 |
[Br alloantigens]
This antigen has been identified on platelets by Kiefel et al (1988). It is recognized by an antibody detected in the sera of pregnant woman with neonatal alloimmune throbocytopenia.
This antigen is localized to the platelet glycoprotein complex GPIa/IIa (Kiefel et al, 1989) and specifically to the GPIa subunit (Santoso et al, 1989). The antigen exists in two allelic forms, designated Br(a) and Br(b), which are the result of a single amino acid substitution (Lys-505 in Br(a) to Glu-505 in Br(b) (Santoso et al, 1993).
Br alloantigen is identical with another antigen termed Zav antigen. Santoso et al (1989) have characterized the Br alloantigen expressed on long-term activated
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