Apoptosis-targeting Peptide-1 |
apoptotic blebs |
name given to complex comprising APAF-1, cytochrome C (released from mitochondria) and the zymogen form of one of the caspases, caspase-9. The complex is activated by binding of ATP. The size of the inactive apoptosome complex is very large (on the order of approximately 1.4 MDa) and common active complex forms have a size of approximately 700 kDa (Cain et al, 2000). The terms aposome and microaposome have been used by Cain et al (2000) to describe two large but different sized protein complexes. The larger aposome complex (approximately 700 kDa) contains APAF-1 and processed caspase-9, caspase-3, and caspase-7
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