Serotransferrin |
[serous cell]
a general term for cells, called also albuminous cells, that produce watery secretions that are rich in proteins and glycoproteins. Seromucous cells are those that, in addition, also produce viscous secretions (mucus; see also mucus cells). They are found, for example in the sublingual glands (Miyazaki et al, 2001; Tandler et al, 1994).
Serous cells are found, for example, in the salivary glands (Tandler and Phillips, 1993; Pinkstaff, 1993). Airway submucosal gland serous cells, which express the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and secrete a variety of anbtimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant substances, are another example. These cells
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