Mesangial cell proliferating factor |
Mesangial cell thymocyte activating factor |
CG10967 |
[mesangial cell, mesangium]
The mesangium is a network of cells and fibers that supports capillary loops in the glomerulus. The term mesangial cells is used frequently as a synonym for the mural cells ensheathing the capillaries and venules in this anatomical location. Mesangial cells are, therefore, glomerular pericytes (see also extraglomerular mesangial cells, juxtaglomerular cells) (Díaz-Flores, 2009). Mesangial cells possess characteristics of modified smooth muscle cells. These cells produce the mesangial matrix that provides the structural support for the capillaries. They can contract or relax in response to a number of stimuli and thus have the ability to modify glomerular filtration locally. These cells
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