common dendritic progenitors |
common gamma-chain cytokines |
ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2 |
(also: gammac, gamma common, common cytokine receptor-gamma; cytokine receptor common subunit gamma) identified originally as the gamma chain of the IL2 receptor (Takeshita et al, 1992), which is necessary for the formation of the high-affinity and intermediate-affinity IL2 receptors. The gene and its genomic organization of the gene has been described by Noguchi et al (1993) and Puck et al (1993).
The protein has been given the CD antigen designation CD132.
This receptor subunit has been shown to function as an essential signal-transducing component of various cytokine receptors, including receptors for IL4, IL7, IL9,
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