bone marrow stromal cell antigen-2 |
bone marrow stromal stem cells |
CUL4-and DDB1-associated WDR protein 2 |
[bone marrow stromal cell]
abbr. BMSC. These cells constitute the adherent cells from bone marrow grown in culture (see also: colony formation assay, BMC). They constitute the non-blood forming fraction of bone marrow and are being referred to also as mesenchymal stem cells, mesenchymal stromal cells or multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (abbr. MSC) (Brinchmann, 2008). Given the right conditions (i.e., the presence of membrane-bound and secreted cytokines and growth factors and other cell surface markers), bone marrow stromal cells can differentiate into a variety of cell linages of mesoderm-derived origin, including adipocytes, chondrocytes,
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