Urokinase receptor-associated protein |
uromodulin(225-233) |
abbr. URO; approved gene symbol: UMOD. This glycoprotein (name suggested by Muchmore and Decker, 1986) of 85 kDa (639 amino acids including a signal sequence of 24 amino acids), called also Uromucoid, was initially found in the urine of pregnant women and identified as an inhibitor of viral hemagglutination (Tamm and Horsfall, 1950; for purification see: Serafini-Cessi F et al, 1989). It is produced by kidney cells of Henle's loop (Bachmann et al, 1990). Uromodulin is secreted also by HLA-DR monocytes and the neo-fibroblasts that derive from them (Labat et al, 1991. Bringuier et al, 1992).
The protein has been identified independently as HGP92.
The protein is identical with THP
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