UTN-2 |
1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase |
[uterine milk protein] This protein is a member of the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) superfamily of proteins. UTMP is one of the major proteins secreted by ovine endometrium under the influence of progesterone (Ing and Roberts, 1989. The protein is found also in allantoic fluid. SERPINA14 is secreted by the glandular epithelium in ovine as well as bovine pregnant endometrium (Ing et al, 1989; Leslie and Hansen, 1991).
Initially described as ovine uterine serpins (OvUS) of the sheep uterus (Bazer et al, 1979; Moffatt et al, 1987) the protein is now being referred to as SERPINA14 [serpin peptidase inhibitor clade A member 14
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