TEM3 |
Cystatin-6 |
[Tumor endothelial marker 1] This gene is one of several coordinately expressed tumor endothelial markers identified by St. Croix et al (2000). Sequence analysis shows that TEM1 is identical with endosialin (CD248).
TEM1 is expressed in endothelial cells of cancers and their metastases. Expression has been observed also in two other tissues characterized by processes involving angiogenesis: corpus luteum and in granulation tissue during wound healing. Carson-Walter et al (2001) have reported that the expression of these proteins in normal adult mouse tissues is either undetectable or detected only in a small fraction of the vessels. Opavsky et al (2001), on the other hand, have reported that expression of the protein is regulated by cell density in vitro, upregulated in serum-starved
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