RBP2 homolog 1 |
Leucomyosuppressin |
[retinol binding protein 4] This protein is being referred to also as PRBP [plasma retinol-binding protein] or sRBP [serum retinol binding protein]. The complete amino acid sequence of RBP4 has been reported by Rask et al (1987).
RBP4 is a plasma protein that transports retinol (vitamin A) from its storage site in the liver to peripheral target tissues (Goodman, 1980).
RBP4 is synthesized in, and secreted by, the liver (Kanai et al, 1968). The complex between retinol and its binding protein normally circulates as a 1:1 complex with transthyretin (Goodman, 1980). Binding of RBP4 to transthyretin prevents glomerular filtration and catabolism in the kidney of this complex (Goodman, 1980). After having released retinol to
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