Ovocalyxin-32 |
ovocytes |
Ly38 |
abbr. OCX-36. Ovocalyxin-36 is a chicken eggshell protein. Expression is seen specifically in the regions of the oviduct where egg-shell formation takes place and is upregulated strongly during eggshell calcification. The protein is either extracellular or secreted and may function as an avian eggshell-mineralizing protein (Gautron et al, 2007).
Ovocalyxin-36 is related to the BPI [Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein], LPS binding protein, and members of the PLUNC family of proteins, showing 20-25 % sequence similarity (for overview see: Gautron et al, 2011)
Cordeiro CM et al (2013) have reported that Ovocalyxin-36 binds lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from
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