MMP-27 |
M-Mphi |
NK2 cells |
[matrix metalloproteinase-28] The gene encoding this human metalloproteinase has been identified by Lohi et al (2001), who referred to the encoded protein as Epilysin. MMP-28 has a structure like most other Matrix metalloproteinases. In addition, MMP-28 has a furin activation sequence (RRKKR). The protein does not contain a transmembrane sequence. The exon-intron organization and splicing pattern of epilysin differ from that of other matrix metalloproteinase genes. Lohi et al (2001) have reported that MMP-28 contains a hemopexin domain.
MMP-28 is expressed at high levels in testis and at lower levels in lungs, heart, colon, intestine, and brain and selectively expressed in keratinocytes
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