nonspecific crossreacting antigen 95 |
[lymphotoxin-beta] abbr. also LTB. This glycoprotein of 33 kDa is found on the surface of activated T-cells, B-cells, and LAK cells as a complex with TNF-beta (called also: LT-alpha), thus providing a means of anchoring TNF in the membrane. A homotrimeric form of LT-beta has not been identified. (See also: lymphotoxin-alpha[1]beta[2], lymphotoxin-alpha[2]beta[1]) (Androlewicz et al, 1992; Browning et al, 1991, 1993).
The LT-beta cDNA, cloned by Browning et al (1993), encodes a type 2 membrane protein with significant homology to TNF-alpha, TNF-beta, and the ligand for the CD40
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