CMRF35-like molecule-1 |
Clara cell secretory protein |
[CMRF35-like molecule H9] CMRF35H9 antigen is recognized by the CMRF35 monoclonal antibody and is distinct from the CMRF35A antigen (CD300C), which is also recognized by the same antibody. The extracellular regions of CMRF35H9 and CMRF35A are 89 % identical. CMRF35H9 is a type transmembrane protein of 301 amino acids with a long cytoplasmic domain containing 4 potential inhibitory ITIM sequence motifs and 2 dileucine motifs, which are associated with endocytosis (Green et al, 1998). CMRF35H9 expression has been reported in monocytes and T-cells, granulocytes, NK-cells, and dendritic cells.
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