Pleurocidin NRC-16 |
[immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif] This loosely conserved sequence motif is found in the intracellular domain of various signaling proteins within the immune system (Ravetch and Lanier, 2000). ITIM motifs are conserved sequence motifs of the type: (I/V/L/S)-x-Y-x-x-(L/V) (Ravetch and Lanier, 2000; Vivier and Daeron, 1997; Burshtyn et al, 1996)
Proteins carrying this sequence motif are usually associated with cell surface receptors and provide inhibitory signals for the intracellular signaling cascade beginning with the engagement of the cell surface receptor. Activating receptors frequently carry an activating ITAM sequence motiv. Upon association, the tyrosine residues within ITIM sequence can be phosphorylated by src family
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