Brain lipid-binding protein |
brain macrophages |
Chemokine-beta-8-1 |
abbr. BLECs. This cell type was described originally as a non-lumenized endocytic cell type of lymphatic developmental origin and molecular expression that resides in the zebrafish meninges (Bower et al, 2017; Van Lessen et al, 2017; Venero Galanternik et al, 2017). It is found also in the brains of mice, and morphologically similar cells co-expressing the same markers are found also in human post-mortem leptomeninges (Shibata-Germanos et al, 2020). The cells reside in close proximity to blood vessels expressing TIE-2, do not associate with vessels that have penetrated into the brain, and are characterised by the expression of VEGFR3. They express the lymphatic markers MRC1
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