Lactase-like protein |
[Epstein-Barr virus BARF1] This gene is encoded in the BamHI A fragment of the Epstein-Barr virus genome (Epstein-Barr virus BamHI-A rightward frame 1) and is transcribed early after infection.
The BARF1 protein is secreted into the medium of transfected cells and from B-cells undergoing lytic replication of the virus. The protein functions as a binding protein for M-CSF (Strockbine et al, 1998) and is being referred to also as vCSF1BP or vM-CSFBP (viral CSF1 binding protein = viral M-CSF binding protein). Recombinant BARF1 protein can neutralize the proliferative effects of human M-CSF in vitro in a dose-dependent fashion.
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