myc |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis DnaK |
Monocytic colony stimulating factor |
Mycetocytes, called also bacteriocytes, are large polyploid specialized insect cells that rarely divide and contain non-pathogenic eubacterial microorganisms as endosymbionts in their cytoplasm. This cell type is found in many insects that feed on nutritionally unbalanced or poor diets and is thought to provide nutrients such as B vitamins, amino acids, sterols. Depending on the insect species these cells are found in the gut, the abdominal haemocoel, or embedded in the fat body, organized into an organelle, the mycetome or bacteriome (Douglas, 1989; Kikuchi, 2009).
Transmission of gut bacteria to the next generation usually proceeds vertically (maternally) (Kikuchi, 2009; Küchler et al, 2010, 2011) in several ways. In some species
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