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Metacaspases are cysteine peptidases that have been identified in plants, fungi and protozoa, but not in worms, flies, or mammals (Uren et al, 2000; for overview see also: Tsiatsiani et al, 2011).

Type 1 metacaspases have a pro-domain region and contain an N-terminal zinc finger motif. Type 2 metacaspases are without a pro-domain and contain an insert of approximately 180 amino acids between the p20 and p10 subdomains (Uren et al, 2000). Type 3 metacaspases identified in phytoplanktonic protists are distinct from the other two types and are characterized by a rearrangement of domain structures between N-terminus and C-terminus. (Choi and Berges, 2013). The term ... ... ... ...
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Entry last modified: March 2014

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