Bursopoietin |
Burst feeder activity |
Drosophila Immune-induced Molecule 16 |
also often: burst neurons. This term refers to specialised excitatory and inhibitory neurons, collectively known as premotor burst neurons, found in the pontine reticular formation of the brainstem (Strassman et al, 1986, 1986; Ohtsuka and Noda, 1991). These cells are involved in the coordination of rapid eye movements that change the line of sight between successive points of fixation (saccades). Burst cells are connected to, and gated by, dominant, inhibitory neurons in the brainstem, which are known as omnipause neurons (Strassman et al, 1987; Büttner-Ennever et al, 1988; Nakao et al, 1988; Ohgaki et al, 1989; Paré and Guitton, 1998; Hittinger and Horn, 2012). Pontine omnipause cells
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