Uterocalin |
Uteroglobin |
ADAM21 |
abbr. UF; also: Utf. Uteroferrin is a purple-colored progesterone induced glycoprotein of 35 kDa containing two molecules of iron. It is the major secretory product of the porcine uterus under the influence of progesterone. The protein is secreted by glandular epithelium. As a transplacental iron-transport protein Uteroferrin is thought to supply iron to the developing fetuses during pregnancy (Bazer et al, 1991). Uteroferrin has been shown to cross the placenta and can be detected in allantoic fluid and fetal liver (Ducsay et al, 1982; Renegar et al, 1982). Iron can be released from Uteroferrin and subsequently associate with transferrin (Buhi et al, 1982; Nuttleman and Roberts, 1990), suggesting that the protein may function to deliver iron to the fetus.
Uteroferrin has been shown to be an intracellular
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