UL7 |
UL18 |
Rift Valley fever virus NSs protein |
[Cytomegalovirus UL16 protein] UL16 is a glycoprotein encoded in the genome of human cytomegalovirus. The protein is dispensable for virus growth (Kaye et al, 1992). UL16 functions as an immunoevasin that plays a role in immune evasion by protecting infected cells against cytotoxicity by NK-cells and cytotoxic T-cells (Valés-Gómez et al, 2003). UL16 selectively prevents the surface expression of MICB [MHC class I chain related molecule B] and several cellular UL16 binding proteins (ULBP1 and ULBP2) through intracellular retention (Müller et al, 2010; Spreu et al, 2006; Cosman et al, 2001; Dunn et al, 2003; Rölle et al, 2003; Welte et al, 2003; Wu et al, 2003; for overview see also: Jonjic et al, 2008; Lanier, 2008). These proteins are ligands for NKG2D
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