type 1 innate lymphoid cells |
Type 1 metacaspases |
Basement membrane protein 90 |
[type 1 interferon]
abbr. often IFN-I. abbr. occasionally also: T1-IFNs. Collective term for the acid-stable interferons IFN-alpha and IFN-beta, which differ immunologically and with regard to some biologic and physiochemical properties. IFN-omega, IFN-delta, IFN-epsilon, and IFN-kappa are also grouped as a Type 1 interferon. Type 1 interferons such as IFN-alpha, IFN-beta, and IFN-omega signal through a common cellular interferon receptor complex that is composed of two unique subunits, IFN-alphaR1 and IFN-alphaR2
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