PTHrP[107-139] |
PTK3 |
Dendritic cell-derived exosomes |
[PTK, tyrosine kinase, tyrosine-specific protein kinase, tyrosine-specific protein kinases]
[protein tyrosine kinase] Protein kinases are enzymes that attach phosphate residues to protein substrates.
Many cytokine receptors (see also: Cytokine receptor families) are transmembrane proteins with an extracellular domain that contains the ligand binding site and an intracellular domain encoding a tyrosine-specific protein kinase. The receptor tyrosine kinases (abbr. RTK) constitute a family of more than 60 different proteins. RTKs are single polypeptide chains that pass through the membrane once (an exception is the insulin receptor). Based on details of their structural organization RTKs
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